Summer Camp Starts
Summer Camp Starts – Starts May 30th - Aug. 8th. Sign up now for Summer Camp to ensure a spot and to get early price.
Summer Camp Starts – Starts May 30th - Aug. 8th. Sign up now for Summer Camp to ensure a spot and to get early price.
Summer Camps Ongoing – May 30th - Aug. 8th. Join our fun and affordable Summer Camp for your kids to stay active all throughout Summer. Includes class and activities all day.
No Buddy Camps – There will be no Buddy Camps / Parents Night Out this Summer since we already have Summer Camps.
Belt Test – June 10th, Sat. 12-1 PM. Belt test for all belts/ages. Please pay before test day.
June 24th, Sat. 12-1 PM. Belt test for all belts/ages. Please pay before test day.
Back to School Special – School starts Aug. 9th. New students take advantage of our special $39 for 2 weeks. Visit our online store to redeem the special Back to School Deal.
Belt Test – Aug. 5th, Sat. 12-1 PM. Belt test for all belts/ages. Please pay before test day.
Belt Test – Aug. 19th, Sat. 12-1 PM. Belt test for all belts/ages. Please pay before test day.
New Student Special – Tell all your friends and family to take advantage of our online special $39 for 2 weeks for new students.
Belt Test – Sept. 2nd, Sat. 12-1 PM. Belt test for all belts/ages. Please submit form and pay before test da
TNT Tournament Team Tryouts – Tryout for free for the best tournament team by National Certified Master Bill on Sept 2nd, Sat. 4pm.
We will be closed Sept. 4th Labor Day both locations all classes and programs. Please make up class different day.