1. After School Program – Join our ongoing excellent and affordable ASP which provides daily TaeKwonDo classes and care while you work.
2. Belt Test 1– Sept. 14th, Sat. 12-1 PM. Group belt test for all belts/ages. There will be two group belt tests this month.
3. Parent’s Night Out – Sept. 20th, Fri. 7-10 PM. Fun event for students & non-students while parents have a night out. Includes fun games and contests run by Master Bill, with pizza and drinks. Discounts for multiple kids available!
4. Belt Test 2 – Sept.28th, Sat. 12-1 PM. Group belt test for all belts/ages. If you can’t make it, schedule a private test for $10 additional.
5. Adults Classes – Join our adults only classes for essential exercise and much needed stress relief. If your child is already enrolled with us, then you can get a family discount. Join now or schedule a free trial!