1. Summer Camp –Sign up now for our ongoing affordable and exciting Summer Camp which runs until Aug. 13th. Includes multiple TaeKwonDo classes, fun activities, and planned field trips to the swimming pool, movies, and others.
2. Belt Test 1– June 8th, Sat. 12-1 PM. Group belt test for all belts/ages. If you can’t make it, schedule a private test for $10 additional.
3. INNER SCHOOL TOURNAMENT – June 15th 1-4 PM. Compete against your fellow students in Forms, Board Breaking, and Sparring for Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals! We highly encourage everyone to participate to get competitive experience. Register now in person or online at www.chotkd.com.
4.Belt Test 2– June 22nd, Sat. 12-1 PM. Group belt test for all belts/ages.
5. Parents Night Out – June 28th, Fri. 7-10PM. Fun event for students & non-students. Includes fun games and contests run by Master Bill, with pizza and drink. Discounts for multiple kids!