Holiday CLOSING – We will be CLOSED Dec. 24 – Jan 1st. Happy Holidays from Cho’s TKD!
Holiday CLOSING – We will be CLOSED Dec. 24 – Jan 1st. Happy Holidays from Cho’s TKD!
Belt Test – Jan 14th, Sat. 12-1 PM. Belt test for all belts and ages. Please pay before. If you can’t attend, schedule private for $10 additional.
Jan 16th, Mon. We will still open regular classes and hold MLK Day Camp 8:30AM – 2:30PM (Extended hours 7AM – 6PM) cost are students $40 and guests $20 for whole day.
Jan 27th, Fri. 6:30 – 9:30 PM. Members $25, Guests $15.
Belt Tests – Feb. 11th Sat. 12-1 PM. Belt tests for all belts and ages. Please pay before test day. If you can’t attend, schedule private for $10 additional.
President’s Day Weekend Camp & Classes – Feb. 17th, Fri. we will still open regular classes and hold Day Camps 8:30AM – 2:30PM (Extended hours 7AM – 6PM.) Cost are regular students $45 and ASP members $25 for whole day.
President’s Day Weekend Camp & Classes – Feb. 20th, Mon. we will still open regular classes and hold Day Camps 8:30AM – 2:30PM (Extended hours 7AM – 6PM.) Cost are regular students $45 and ASP members $25 for whole day.
Parents Night Out / Buddy Camp – Feb. 24th, Fri. 6:30 – 9:30 PM. Class and games! Members $25 & guests $15.
Belt Test – Feb. 25th, Sat. 12-1 PM. Belt tests for all belts and ages. Please pay before test day. If you can’t attend, schedule private for $10 additional.
Black Belt Test – March 11th, Sat. 12-1 PM. Belt test for those testing for black belts. Please pay before test day.
Spring Break Camp – Fun Spring Camp March 13-17, 8:30AM – 2:30PM (7AM – 6PM Extended Hours.) $180/Week, $45/Day, $20/Half Day, $95/Week half Days.
Spring Day Camp – March 20th, No school Day Camp, 8:30AM – 2:30PM (7AM – 6PM) $45, ASP $25.