Competition Team TNT
We have exciting news!
Our Tournament Team TNT tryouts will be Saturday August 24th at 2pm! Challenge yourselves to be a part of our nationally ranked tournament team and dare to become one of the best TaeKwonDo athletes in the country.
TNT offers benefits beyond normal training and also offers team bonding experiences which is priceless. The tryouts are open to anyone at any age or belt rank. The tryouts are also totally free. We encourage you to come challenge yourself with the competitive experience!
*The TNT Team is led by our very own Master Bill Gibbs who is a nationally certified coach and has earned many student’s medals in local, state, and national competitions.
Our Competition Team, TNT, has competed for over 10 years and have brought in multiple Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals in various local, state, and national tournaments.  We strive to be the best not only in the regular teaching of TaeKwonDo but also the exciting competitive aspect of the sport.
Our Competition Team is taught by Master Bill Gibbs who is a nationally certified coach.  Master Bill has over 20 years teaching experience in both normal and highly competitive TaeKwonDo in both sparring and forms.  His students are recognized at the local, state, and national levels.
We are always looking for excellent students to join TNT to compete in various tournaments and always strive to bring home the wins.  Tryouts for our competition team are on regular intervals so you can tryout to be on one of the best competitive teams in the nation!